Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Outer Banks Dreamin'

In June 2004, I was taking in the warm-welcoming scenes of North Carolina’s Outer Banks for the first time since I was five years old. Below is a slideshow I created which reveals the many moments captured through the lens of my Minolta film camera; from lighthouses and marinas, to beach houses and natural scenery. Is it any wonder why the Outer Banks is such a beloved place?

By the way, just in case the slideshow doesn't play on here, you can also check it out on my youtube channel which is caroldfotojrn247. It is my most recent video upload on there as well, entitled "Outer Banks 2004."

The only regret was not writing about that trip to the Outer Banks while there, so that words and photos could work together in capturing memories.

However, there is the possibility of returning to the relaxing Outer Banks sometime soon with a few of my cousins. Although the plans are still just within the phase of talking about going, there is a great desire to make the trip happen. Between me and at least one of my cousins, we will definitely take a lot of photos throughout our stay. Not only that, but I hope to have learned more about video and will also be blogging about each day spent in the Outer Banks.

That reminds me…I need a new wireless device for my laptop as soon as possible; the internet does not work when I leave the house. Not good for anyone interested in travel writing and travel photography, that’s for sure.

Anyway, through our common grandfather, my cousins and I have many ancestral ties to the Outer Banks and we plan to meet up with relatives when we go. My mother has been in contact via email with some relatives since before the 2004 trip and also met with them at the time. That particular trip to the Outer Banks happened partly for the sake of family history as well having the chance to return after so many years.

The most interesting thing found out so far through my mother’s family history research is that one ancestor was a keeper at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. It would be interesting to see what else my cousins and I could find out on a future trip.

I am not sure yet how many of us will be going, however there was a particular beach house I noticed the last time there. It was called, “Six Cousins Cottage,” located near the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, and I have six cousins on my mom’s side of the family. If only we could all stay at that beach house for a big family gathering with all of our ancestral ties to the Outer Banks.

Until that next visit, I am sure that I will not be the only one Outer Banks dreamin’.

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